Sunday, September 29, 2019

Globalizaiton esse

Balancing the Paradox of Localization and Globalization: Research and Analyze the Levels of Market Involvement for Multinational Carmakers in China's Market Authors: Chin June Jiao Gagging Tutors: Dry. Philippe UDDI, Dry. Mikhail Lundeberg Program: Master's Programmer in Leadership and Management in International Context Subject: Level and semester: Master's Thesis Masterly Spring 2008 Baltic Business School CHIN June ;JIAO Stating 16/05/2008 Acknowledgements Our Personal Thanks We want to thank the following people for their continued supports throughout this p Seagram and their help in writing this thesis.Without their help, this thesis would not have been possible. In the first place, we would like to give thanks to our professor, Dry. Philippe UDDI for his supervision, advice, and guidance all through this research. Above all and the most needed, he provided us great encouragement and support in various ways. We also sincerely appreciate Mr.. Mikhail Lundeberg for his encourageme nt, supervision, constructive suggestions and professional advices to us during the research. His crucial contribution to the thesis is of great significance. His involvement with his originality has rigged and nourished our intellectual maturity.Abstract Field: Master thesis in change management Number of Pages: Title: Chin June ; Jiao Gagging Supervisor: Mikhail Lundeberg, Baltic Business School, Kalmia, Sweden Submission Date: 16th May, 2008 3 Executive Summary: Multinational Corporations (Mans) are facing the paradox of globalization and localization in entering each new market. Generally, there are two perspectives which regard to how a NC configure its crossbred activities: The first is global convergence perspective, which focuses on leveraging corporate resources and attaining global synergies.The second is international diversity perspective, which lays more emphasis on local adaptation and harnessing diversities s. Both perspectives have their pros and cons, a balance betw een international standardization and local adaptation is vital. For the major Auto China market is as clear as day to everyone. This paper focuses on how the major Auto Giants balance the paradox of globalization and localization in the China market. In other words, how the Mans deal with the dilemma of globalization and localization under different strategic contexts?The eavesdropping auto market is one of the embodiments of that transfer process. So, our research on the major carmakers' activities in China's automobile industry lies in the current issue of the rise of China. The paradox of globalization and localization for multinational companies is not new anymore; however, it doesn't necessarily meaner that they are invalid or meaningless. Instead, it is a forever topic as the countries in the world is more and more economically interrelated.Moreover, the theory itself has been developing ever since. Nowadays, multinational companies are dominating the world economy, so is goi ng to be in China. Combined with the background of China's unique business environment, the theory could be further applied and developed. The free participate on of Mans in the China's market and their fierce competitions is the reason why ordinary Chinese customers are enjoying a great variety of commodities, comparing to 15 years ago when only limited types of inferior products were available.With regard to the choice of the industry, several industries were available for us to study the localization of Mans in the China market. Besides our personal interests on it, automobile industry is better than any others for researching Mans' global strategies. The automobile industry, due to its importance, is a popular topic in the academia. As a result, the accessibility of relevant literatures is high,

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